Mavrodaphne Red Sweet 750ml - Kotrotsos Winery
Mavrodaphne Red Sweet 750ml
Kotrotsos Winery
Sweet red wine. It is made from Mavrodaphne, the black grape variety cultivated in the Prefecture of Achaia. An excellent aperitif and wine dessert. Strong vanilla and caramel aroma, velvety balanced flavour. Delicious, distinctive sweet wine, aged in oak barrels with exquisitely elegant aromas of spice, dried fruits, caramel and coca. Ideal for desserts with raisins, nuts, dark chocolate. Enjoy, also, chilled.
Appellation: Protected Designation of Origin (PGI) Patras
Type: Sweet red wine
Varieties: Mavrodaphne100%
Suitable for vegetarians.
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- Ingredients & Allergens
- Alcohol 15%
- Dry Product
- 750ml/bottle
- It is best served at 18-20C.
- Manufactured in Greece
- If you would like a box then select 6pcs